The Mediterranean diet is defined by a high intake of fruits, vegetables and nuts. Another feature of it, is the frequent consumption of fish along with a glass of wine every day day. This diet is quite low in saturated fats, processed foods and refined sugar especially. It is also known that this type of diet is high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances – which reduce the inflammation of body tissues that accumulate over time. Chronic inflammation is recognized as a major factor for heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It also conjures an environment for cancer to spread more easily.

Δείκτης Μάζας Σώματος (ΔΜΣ): Τι και Πόσο Αξιόπιστος Είναι;
Ο Δείκτης Μάζας Σώματος (Body Mass Index – BMI), είναι ένας μαθηματικός τύπος που χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως για την αξιολόγηση του σωματικού βάρους σε σχέση με