“Breast milk is the best beginner nutrition for a newborn.” But what about the maternal energy requirements during breastfeeding? Due to the loss of nutrients throughout breastfeeding, mothers have increased demands. Deficiencies that often occur due to an unbalanced diet are reflected in the reduction of its nutrients. In such cases, the child receives all the necessary nutrients to the detriment of the mother. Our goal is to properly educate women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so that they get the proper nutritional guidance.

Δείκτης Μάζας Σώματος (ΔΜΣ): Τι και Πόσο Αξιόπιστος Είναι;
Ο Δείκτης Μάζας Σώματος (Body Mass Index – BMI), είναι ένας μαθηματικός τύπος που χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως για την αξιολόγηση του σωματικού βάρους σε σχέση με